The Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Presentation of the second phase of the consultation on the pension system

On 12 February 2025, the Minister of Health and Social Security presented the second phase of the 'Schwätz mat! D'Zukunft vun eiser Altersofsécherung' participation process.

The first phase of this large-scale consultation, which ran from 4 October to 2 December 2024, gathered the opinions of citizens, experts and stakeholders on the future of the pensions system in Luxembourg, setting out thematic priorities. These thematic areas provide a framework for further reflection over the coming weeks.

The dialogue phase

The second phase of the consultation process, known as the ‘dialogue phase’, is based on two mechanisms:

  • interactive online public participation, accessible on the schwä platform from 12 February 2025;
  • a number of expert meetings, starting in March 2025.

This phase focuses on three central themes that will determine the future of pension provision in Luxembourg:

1. The adaptability of the pensions system

The aim is to reflect on how to bring more flexibility to the pension system to allow for the diversity of people's life paths. Discussions will focus in particular on the introduction of individual choices in terms of retirement age and contribution models.

2. Sustainability of the pension system

This section will look at the financial stability of the pension system and its ecological and social implications. In the face of demographic changes such as an ageing population and longer life expectancy, the long-term viability of the system will be examined.

3. Equity in the pension system

The emphasis will be on intergenerational equity, protection of vulnerable populations and transparency of the system. The aim is to ensure a fair distribution of resources for present and future generations.

Online public consultation

From 12 February to 9 March 2025, citizens will have the opportunity to take part in a new online survey on schwä Participants will be invited to assess various statements relating to the three key topics and comment on their choice of response.

Citizens' contributions will feed directly into the discussions of the expert groups and will help to develop sustainable solutions for the pensions system.

Expert meetings

Following the public consultation, the results of all the discussions - with stakeholders and the public - will be analysed by three groups of experts, set up according to the themes defined during the first phase of consultation.

Three expert meetings will be organised on the following dates:

  • 21 March 2025: Adaptability of the retirement age
  • 4 April 2025: Equity in the pension system
  • 24 April 2025: Sustainability of the pension system

The following experts and stakeholders have already been invited:

  • Trade union and employers' organisations: OGBL, LCGB, CGFP, UEL
  • Political representatives: Chamber of Deputies (1 member pf parliament per political party and 1 representative from each youth organisation)
  • Civil society organisations and institutions: ACEL, Jugendrot, GERO, Entente des offices sociaux, CNFL, CSDD, MouvEco

The discussions will be based on scientific presentations (in particular from STATEC and LISER) and will provide an opportunity to take an in-depth look at the suggestions that emerged from the public consultation and to gather the expertise of the players involved. The aim is to formulate recommendations that will serve as a basis for future policy decisions.

The working meetings of the expert groups are thus aimed at developing realistic proposals and recommendations to ensure the sustainability and equity of the Luxembourg pension system, thereby providing a solid basis for possible reform measures by the summer of 2025.

The consultation process will culminate in a final presentation and publication of a summary report scheduled for the end of May 2025.

Press release by the Ministry of Health and Social Security

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Le Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

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